I know its extremely weird, but I want to be scared by a book. It takes a lot to scare me. I love horror movies, but have never really gotten into horror as a reading genre. So, I would like some suggestions please. Give me the book that has been the scariest you have ever read.
Being the sadistically abnormal person that I am, I want a book that will give me nightmares, have me checking over my shoulder every two minutes and afraid to walk through my house without the lights on.
Please and thank you,

Hello, Wings! Okay, you asked for it. The Exorcist scares the hell out of me and stays with me for two days. The only book that has ever had the power to that to me was Jay Anson's The Amityville Horror. Whether you believe that the story was a complete hoax or not (and there are a ton of sites that will try and convince you of either side of that argument), reading that book late at night should most definitely give you the experience that you're asking for.
Be warned!
Hmmm... That's a hard one. Silence of the Lambs was a good book but more of a psychological thriller than right-out horror. I've heard good things about The Ruins though I haven't read it.
To be honest, the last book that I really remember as sticking out and scaring me to the point where I couldn't read it was a Sweet Valley Kids halloween book... I was six at the time. I read it later and wondered what was so scary about it. lol.
Ok, I agree The Exorcist will scare the hell out of you! So much better than the movie (which I laughed at, it was so fake!!) I haven't read Stephen King in years because he scared the hell out of me also!! Try his older books.
Yeah, you could try Carrie by Stephen King. I had a nightmare after page 20. :) When I woke up, I continued till the last page.
The scariest book I have read is The Ruins. I actually enjoyed it a lot. Not too scary now that I think about it, but it was freaking me out while I was reading it!
The Devouring by Simon Holt. It's actually a YA book, but it managed to scare the crap out of me!
A oldie, but a goodie - scariest book I have read has to be 'IT' by Stephen King. That clown just freaks me out and I have never been able to look at a floating balloon in the same way again...
I get scared way to easy...So I don't really read these :D
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