Sunday, January 16, 2011

2011 SAB Challenge

Click here to go directly to the challenge page.

I am going for SAB-tastic level which is 25 books.
  1. A Ghostly Menage - Eve Langlais
  2. Last Stop: A Survivors Story - Tommy McInnis & Nelson Velez 
  3. Living Dead Girl - Elizabeth Scott 
  4. Blood Prophecy - Stefan Petrucha 
  5. Paramour - Margaret Ethridge 
  6. Crazy - Eve Langlais 
  7. Water Song: A Retelling of "The Frog Prince" by Suzanne Weyn 
  8. Strange Familiar - Cassidy Hunter 
  9. The Lottery - Alexandra O'Hurley 
  10. Cleopatra's Men - Eve Langlais 
  11. Defence Against the Dark - Emily Carlin 
  12. The Taste of Apple - James Laidler 
  13. Fatal Embrace - Aris Whittier
  14. Comfort Food - Kitty Thomas
  15. Take Me There - Carolee Dean
  16. Forget You - Jennifer Echols


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