Is it just me? Or is this one of the uglier covers out there...
I really liked Succubus Blues, but this cover turned me off it for so long that it was sitting on my TBR pile for nearly a year before I picked it up. I am assuming that this is Georgina Kincaid on the cover...
And I am wondering if that is a real model or a fake one...
If you look closely:
- The necklace is askew
- her dress looks drawn on
- the hair looks painted/smudged on
- her lipstick has decided to make its own path which doesn't necessarily mean following the line of her lips
- and shes blue...
The newer cover is gorgeous:
But I also see the original as the true cover for the first book in this series. I have grown to like it in it's own little way. But it is still a little cringe worthy if you look too closely.

I agree that the newer cover is much much better than the original!!
I got a copy of the new version in the mail and I love the book so I want to read the rest of the series, but I refuse to buy the old covers. Besides, I hate to have the series mismatched - lol.
I agree I like the newer cover, if I was in the store and both were beside each other would definitely choose the newer one.
Have you seen the UK covers? They show a woman with a bob. I like those. Reminds me of Catwoman for some reason, lo9l!
I got sucked in by an international cover (you can see it here on my review page).
I think it is the same one Alice is talking about.
Oh, and I most certainly judge a book by its cover when I am just cruising the bookstore.
Another series that I want to buy the UK covers is the Anita Blake Series.... so much prettier than bare blades.
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