I was reading Dead as a Doornail (review went up yesterday) by Charlaine Harris, and as many of you may have noticed...once you get into them, they are very addictive!
I only had a few more chapters to go and I couldn't stand waiting until after dinner to finish it.
I was in the middle of running a bath and I thought to myself...might work...so just as an idea I snuck my book in with me.
It was AWESOME!!
Now I always thought that this:
Would inevitably lead to this:
But it was absolutely fine! And it was so relaxing!
I haven't felt so clean after a bath, probably because I haven't soaked in one for that long in ages. I am still more of a shower person than I am a bath person but baths just got that much more inviting!
I would say that if you are going to try this, make sure to keep a towel handy and to not use your most favourite can't stand to see the pages creased book but rather a well used paperback until you get the hang of reading in the bath.
But I can guarantee you it will be the most relaxing thing you do all day. Plus you're multi-tasking! Reading whilst getting clean!

Natalie · 712 weeks ago
StoryWings 49p · 712 weeks ago
Alice · 712 weeks ago
StoryWings 49p · 712 weeks ago
margreads 71p · 712 weeks ago
StoryWings 49p · 712 weeks ago
I don't really like baths either, but reading took it up a notch for me...and there's no distractions in the bath like internet so I can get lost in the book whilst being really warm lol.