Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat: Kitty Cats

Welcome to Bookie Brunch: Trick or Treat 

Bookie Brunch is a weekly book chat for book lovers. A new Bookie Brunch posts every Sunday, and you're welcome to join any ongoing discussion [URL] whenever you like.

In the meantime, let's have some treats for Halloween. Just click on the badges at the end of the post, for a new treat!

Here's a treat from me at StoryWings:
My Kitty Cat! Her name is Lucy and she is the most perfect cat in the world. Not only does she know my moods but she also is the perfect form of entertainment. 
She spends a lot of time lying around:

Mostly on my stuff though:

She also loves staking people out:

But if she ever gets caught she does this so we go awwww:

But she also makes a pretty good watch cat:

But her most special her magic!:

But just be careful if she directs it at you!:

Bookie Brunch
*Every Sunday*Founder: Sasha Soren (Random Magic)
I was a host at Bookie Brunch in August, 2011:

My favorite Cat Halloween treat is:
Lucky the Godiva Chocolate cat!

I don't know how how lucky he is if he's going to be eaten...probably shouldn't eat it in front of my my cat though.

What's yours? Tell us!

 Feel free to leave a comment if you like, to share your fave Halloween treat or some other cool link for Halloween. Thanks for dropping by, and...

Happy Halloween!

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday 56: 28/10/2011

Enchanted Inc. by Shanna Swendson
Page 56, 5th Sentence

I caught the M103 bus on Park Row.

Good ol' M103 bus...


* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of Freda's Voice.
*Post a link along with your post back to Freda's Voice.
* Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Trick or Treat: Witch Humour

Welcome to Bookie Brunch: Trick or Treat 

Bookie Brunch is a weekly book chat for book lovers. A new Bookie Brunch posts every Sunday, and you're welcome to join any ongoing discussion [URL] whenever you like.

In the meantime, let's have some treats for Halloween. Just click on the badges at the end of the post, for a new treat!

Here's a treat from me at StoryWings:

I love witches! All kinds of witches really...even the ugly ones! 
But really if I were a witch I would soo want to look like this chick:

But enough of that...the first thing I think of when I think "witches" is Harry Potter! So for today's treat I am giving you some Harry Potter humour!

Bookie Brunch
*Every Sunday*Founder: Sasha Soren (Random Magic)
I was a host at Bookie Brunch in August, 2011:

My favorite Witch Halloween treat is:
Chocolate Frogs!
(seriously, you can get them)

This one's pretty self explanatory...

What's yours? Tell us!

 Feel free to leave a comment if you like, to share your fave Halloween treat or some other cool link for Halloween. Thanks for dropping by, and...

Happy Halloween!

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: 25/10/2011

Currently Reading: One Grave at a Time by Jeaniene Frost
His eyes glowed pure emerald, half smile letting me know how much he enjoyed this game.
Teaser Tuesday is the brainchild of Should Be Reading

Monday, October 24, 2011

Book Review: Enchanted Inc. by Shanna Swendson

Review: Enchanted Inc.
Series: Enchanted Inc. – Book 1
Author: Shanna Swendson
No of Pages: 308
Release Date: 31 May 2005


Katie Chandler had always heard that New York is a weird and wonderful place, but this small-town Texas gal had no idea how weird until she moved there. Everywhere she goes, she sees something worth gawking at, and Katie is afraid she’s a little too normal to make a splash in the big city. Working for an ogre of a boss doesn’t help either.

Then, seemingly out of the blue, Katie gets a job offer form Magic, Spells and Illusions, Inc., a company that sells tricks of the trade to the magic community. For MSI, Katie’s ordinariness is an asset. Lacking any bit of magic, she can easily spot a fake spell, catch hidden clauses in competitor’s contracts, and detect magically disguised intruders. Suddenly, average Katie is very special indeed.

She quickly learns that office politics are even more complicated when your new boss is a real ogre, and you have a crush on the sexy, shy, ultra powerful head of the R&D department, who is so busy fighting an evil competitor threatening to sell black magic on the street that he seems barely to notice Katie. Now it’s up to Katie to pull off the impossible: save the world and – hopefully – live happily ever after.

My Thoughts:

Enchanted Inc. was a bit of a bore for me.

Katie has spent most of her working life at her parents feed shop. She did everything for the business there from the general running to the bookwork. Problem is, her parents shop is in a tiny Texas town, so when working in New York all of Katie’s hard work means close to squat.

After struggling for a year Katie gets discovered by a company that no one has ever heard of but is apparently leading in its field. What is that field? No one seems to know that either. Only when Katie starts work there does she discover that they manufacture spells – no, not trick ones, real ones – and are currently struggling to compete against one of their ex-employees evil ventures against them.

Katie for me was a boring character. She moaned groaned and whined throughout and still managed to be miss perfect. Everything just came easy to her, she was working there two days before being promoted to the CEO’s assistant, did that for two days before becoming the new head of the new marketing department that was created just for her.

I was almost glad that Owen the brilliant magician didn’t go for her because then I probably would have thrown the book across the room and moved on.

Then there was the premise of the whole story, it sounded like a slightly older version of Harry Potter, let’s take you into a secret world that no one knows about, where you are so special that everyone wants to meet you. Let’s play with some spells and enchantments and then you can save the day against the bad guy.

The difference? I loved Harry Potter. Enchanted Inc. put me to sleep.

Then there were the spells themselves. People buy spells that are basically little tiny books that contain what you need in them but you can only use them once and not maliciously. Huh? Talk about take the fun out of everything. Yet even though the entire book was about the spell manufacturing industry, we get to see one – that’s right just one – spell in action, and it backfired.

Enchanted Inc. sounded really fun when I first picked it up, but it was a complete disappointment. Merely the fantasy life of an overlooked office worker who wants to be special for being boringly normal.

Others in this series:
Once Upon Stilletos
Damsel Under Stress
Don't Hex with Texas


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