Friday, March 19, 2010

Want to join a conference?

This is a quick post to let you know that the Online Book Bloggers Conference starts tomorrow. We have been in pre-conference discussions on the Ning all week and it has been really informative.

I have already decided to make some changes in the way I do things, and the official conference hasn't even begun yet.

The amount of work Terry has put into this is absolutely amazing, there are publishers authors and bloggers all in the one place, so we can get everything out there and have questions answered without having to look too hard.

It's $20 to join...not much if you ask me, It has already given me some priceless tips, so come join...and add me because I don't have any Ning friends :(

PS Terry doesn't know I'm posting this...I got the idea from Becky the Bookette


Alyssa Kirk said...

We'll be there!

Marty Shaw said...

Looking forward to reading the review of Accidental Werewolf (didn't know where else to comment on that particular subject).

My schedule doesn't allow much participation in the conference but I'll peek in when I can, because it does look educational.

Incidentally, you've been selected for a blog award. Details can be found here:


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