Well all is done and dusted with the comp, I knuckled down and checked all the entries. Yes there were some deletions, because people straight out lied to the point where their entry was completely useless, or they entered 17 times (yes, someone did that, no it wasn't a glitch). But after all is said and through here are the results from the 49 Followers Competition.
Entrants: 299
Entries: 3502
Followers at start: 49
Followers at end: 353
Total Winners: 8
Total Books Won: 14
Final Book List: 57
#175 Beleth
#1730 Aina Yasmin
#1087 Erica
#1855 ChinLin Pan
#2603 Dottie Taylor
#1906 Diana Dang
#2243 Bernaditta
#1779 Josette
The 49 Followers contest was originally to thank my 49 followers for following me, but none of the orignal followers actually one a prize :(
So, I have decided to give away an extra prize to the old followers. YEAY!!!!
The winner of this prize is:
#7 Stacy Stewart
All winners were drawn by random.org. All winners have 48 hours from the time i send out the emails. Books are still subject to availability.

Thanks, StoryWings!
I'd just replied your email with my book choice.
This contest was fun and definitely worth the wait. =D
COngrats to the winners^^
Congratulations to the winners.
Wings - It was fun to watch your list grow!
Congrats to the winners! ^^
Congrats to all the winners :D!
I've already emailed you with my picks <3
Congrats to all the winners! :)
Its so nice of you to give a prize to one of your original followers too.
And congratulations on all your new followers, Wings, you totally deserve them!
Congratulations to all the winners!
Congratulations Winners and this was fun....
jackie b central texas
Winners, Congrats! :)
Thanks for the great contest! :D I'll reply soon as I figure out which novel I want! >w<
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