Currently reading: First Drop of Crimson by Jeaniene Frost
Denise sat, trying to roll the up sleeve of her right arm while being careful the towels didn't fall off. Trying to get a grip on anything with her clawed hands bundled up was difficult, to say the least. After a second, Spade just tuged her sleeve up for her. Chad and Francine exchanged a glance, but didn't say anything.
Teaser Tuesday is the brainchild of Should Be Reading

Hmm, that's a good teaser! :)
Wow Amanda! Your blog has grown so much! 100's of followers, I remember when you had 18! I'm so proud :D
I really want to read this book, it looks and sounds amazing. Great teaser!
Great teaser! Here's mine:
Clawed hands?!
Mine is up too with a couple of contest links.
Please ignore that random contest link in my post *sheesh*
I meant to link in my name and website, like this...
Miranda ~ Sweet Vernal Zephyr
Great teaser! I've GOT to get my hands on this book :o)
My teaser is here:
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