Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Missy Jane Contest!


Okie Dokie, As you may have noticed I have recently done my first author interview! My lovely author being Ms Missy Jane. In honour of this I will be giving away some copies of her book and some lovely signed swag that she so generously sent to me.

So whats up for grabs?

3 Lucky winners will take home a copy of Missy Jane's They Call Me Death Plus some book marks and other signed swag from both They Call Me Death AND Resignation!

Resignation is available in e-book format so it's a little hard for me to give that away however you may purchase directly from the publisher here for $3.50. It is an adult book, so over 18s can read that one.

All you have to do is fill out the form and bob's your uncle!

Oh and extra entries! You know you love them:

+5 for commenting on Missy Jane's interview
+5 for commenting on the They Call Me Death review
+4 for advertising this anywhere (except twitter)
+3 for following Missy Jane on twitter
+3 for following me on twitter
+2 for tweeting this

You MUST be a follower to enter.

Also, for the comments to be counted...they need to be REAL comments not just "Great interview" or "Great review"


PS: Contest is, of course, INTERNATIONAL! And runs until 7th April


Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

Interview Comment- +5
Review Comment- +5
Sidebar Ad- +4 (
Follow Missy- +3
Follow Storywings- +3
Tweeted- +2 (


Thanks for the awesome contest!

Lori said...

I filled out the form. Yay me. *crosses fingers*


Kurumi said...

Yay! Thanks for having it for internationals. :D

CHRISTIE said...

+5 for commenting on Missy Jane's interview
+5 for commenting on the They Call Me Death review
+3 for following Missy Jane on twitter
+3 for following me on twitter
+2 for tweeting this:

SandyG265 said...

Thanks for running such great contests

Cherry said...

I forgot to give you the facebook link in the form. I've posted about your contest in facebook at:

Julie S said...

Great contest!

bookaholic said...

+5 Interview Comment
+5 Review Comment
+4 Blog post-
+3 Follow Missy @Debasmitadhar
+3 Follow Storywings @Debasmitadhar
+2 Tweeted-

Thank you so much for the lovely contest! Keeping my fingers crossed :)

bookaholic said...

I just filled out the entry form.Please negate my entry in the comment section!I'd love to win this!

Naomi said...

I hope I can participate!


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