I am uber excited about this info! Although I only got halfway through The Sword of Truth Series I am restarting it and I was always sad to think the Confessor was the last book in the series because I absolutely love Richard and Kahlan.
Now finding out about The Omen Machine I am both excited and scared...because of the synopsis.
"An accident leads to the discovery of a mysterious machine that has rested hidden deep underground for countless millennia. The machine awakens to begin issuing a series of increasingly alarming, if minor, omens. The omens turn out to be astonishingly accurate, and ever more ominous. As Zedd tries to figure out how to destroy the sinister device, the machine issues a cataclysmic omen involving Richard and Kahlan, foretelling an impending event beyond anyone's ability to stop. As catastrophe approaches, the machine then reveals that it is within its power to withdraw the omen ...In exchange for an impossible demand."
Is it just me or does that sound a bit like a Sci-Fi Novel?
I don't seem to remember there being any machines in the Sword of Truth world or it talking...
That was more Wizard of Oz type fantasy rather than Midland Fantasy.
Hopefully it will have a little more context once I get around to it...

You're excited for the very reason that you never finished the series. It drops off after the sixth book and becomes pretty terrible near the end. Goodkind gets really preachy in the final book. Also the Chainfire trilogy is terribly contrived and pretty boring. You should just end now while you have fond memories. You won't be able to forget reading the end books.
Wizard's 12th rule--Always end a book with Deus ex Machina.
Drops off?!! What books did you read?! The last 3 books in the series were epic!
The last three books were my favorite. I may be biased though, seeing as how nicci is my favorite character. If you want to talk about the worst one, Pillars of Creation takes that award.
im with phloid. the last three were repetitive and retold all of the other books into waaay too much detail. that's why the other books exist! so you don't have to get into the nitty gritty parts and just get on with the story.
too many cameos. six was there why... shota why... dragons all of a sudden... gratch again for like a second... mud people... it was like goodkind just listed every character in every book and made some crazy plot to include them all. such a mess.
but i agree, pillars of creation was the worst by far along with naked empire because... wtf did they have to do with the story?? dedicate 2 whole books to people who dont do anything in the end... waste of my time.
again, i side with phloid. save the good memories from the first 6. 1,2, and 6 especially. chainfire... skip.
Whatever I dont see you dicks writing bestselling novels. Try critisizing once you have and maybe Ill have more respect for your opinion.
i have already answered some of you privately about your thoughts...all of which i appreciate and respect.
Anon 3(29/1/2011) - everyone is entitled to an opinion. Being an artist of any kind means putting your work out there for people to be judged, its a life choice. All of the comments here were valid and to the point. There is no need for swearing or name-calling...thanks
The whole reason there were so many "cameos" in the final trilogy that wrapped up SoT was for the very reason that SoT concluded. Personally, I liked touching base with characters we hadn't seen in some time (Gratch for example). The Richard and Kahlan stories can continue, but SoT is done.
He goes over the old story as a filler for most of the books, if your memory is good enough to remember what happened in "temple of the winds" when your reading "Confessor" then good for you!! Sometimes there are little things you dont remember, i understand that yes it can be a tad annoying re-reading things from the book before, but if you come into the books at later stages.....? see what i mean?
I came into the sot series with "Blood of the fold" id never heard of them before that book. The way goodkind wrote it though... made me feel like i hadnt been dropped in at the deep end after all :) and prompted me to buy the Debt of bones/Wizards first rule and stone of tears.
Naked empire and Pillars of creation have plenty to do with the sot series!!!
In them we learn more about "Rahls" both past an presant, wizards or not, them with the gift and them without even the smallest spark, by no means a filler, it helps to build a connection between characters, helps to build the fear of a world ruled by those ho want the spark whiped out, it also shows you how Jagang is useing magic to build creatures useing something he wants to destory - The Gift.
It also Shows you how narrowminded and shallow people can be because of looks/potential and what they feel they should give to the world..
Goodkind imo is a good author and has overcome his dislexia to give us all something to enjoy.
Also after being to a bookstore today, the release date has been put back in the UK to august 2011, Hardback priced at £20, softback at normal price of £6,99-£7.99 will NOT be out until FEB 2012
Read The Law of Nines to tie in Naked Empire & Pillars of Creation. I'm sure that this will tie in with The Omen Machine the way Law of Nines went also.
I feel that the entire SoT series was definitely a great story and I'm very excited that there is going to be another "Richard and Kahlan" novel. I, also, feel that while there was a lot of back-story throughout the series, that it was, mostly, necessary and that every one of the books was relevant to the storyline. I'm not an author, but I am a reader and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the series ( unabridged on my iPod) and was sad when it ended. I'm convinced that The Omen Machine will be equally as good as the previous books. :-)
i just finished the book today...if there is not another book coming out he left A LOT of gaps in the story i wont go into them cause i dont want to spoil it for ppl that are reading it but yea lots of missing info
Unlike others I DID NOT like nicci, I cant see why anyone why but just have a little sympathy for her. After all Kahlan(being the absolute star of all 12 books)outshines her in every way. I just got the Omen Machine this morning - so im off to read )
By the way I got the Hardback in the UK 19th Aug for £10 from Amazon so no excuse to wait till feb for paperback.
Is it just me or has Goodkind lost his talent? The Omen Machine seems to have been written by a 10 year old boy. I was confused after finishing it so I reread the whole series and Omen Machine again and yes its terribly inconsistent and dribbling both plot and character-wise. If there is going to be another book I hope Goodkind gets his act together. I loved the first 11 books, they are absolutely brilliant even if they get preachy towards the end, but the 12th really ruins the whole experience.
I felt the same way about the last book. But I have faith in Goodkind and I think all the "gaps" and somewhat weird storyline will be filled and clarified in future novels. <3
I agree with "leftluggage". In another review I said this is for 3rd or 4th graders...not for novice fiction readers who like believable characters! They are dummies in this next book, and I am not going to even finish it. I wanted my characters back...to be the same as they were, but it is a HUGE disappointment. Don't even bother going on with this story. Find something with substance!
All the books are fantastic, if you are to read omen machine you have to read the last 3 otherwise it will not make as much sense as it should, so read all the books.
love all the books, terry, don't change a thing. Fantastic story. Can't wait for the next one as i am sure there will be one.
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