Sunday, December 4, 2011

Book Brunch: Has blogging changed your reading habits?

Welcome to Bookie Brunch

Founder: Sasha Soren (Random Magic)
Come join the discussion!
*Every Sunday*

Today’s host: StoryWings (@storywings)
Next week’s host: StoryWings (@storywings)
This week’s discussion open through: 7 December 2011

Your host this week:

My guests this week:
Jazmin at Books!!!  (@JazminLabrada)
Jo (The Fluidity of Time) (confirmed) (Twitter N/A)

The question under discussion: Has blogging changed your reading habits? If so, in what way?
Related topics to consider: Do you read new genres? Are you bothered by them or do you welcome the changes?

Amanda: Well it seems it's going to be an intimate discussion this week, so make sure you join in down below. Free tea and cookies for every one!

Book blogging has definitely changed my reading habits. I am buying more and more books every month yet I never get through them all, the piles just keep rising and rising (and teetering)!

I was never like that before, before I started blogging I would buy an entire series of books (Sookie Stackhouse by Charlaine Harris and Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead being two examples) all at once and read a book a day. Now that my mind has been trained to absorb not just the story but the technical aspects as well I find I'm not reading as fast but more consistently.

I have since been opened up to genres in general, I used to sway toward fantasy and paranormal books without even realising it and now I am consciously aware of what genres I am reading and what genres are actually out there I am actually deliberately trying new ones out. I had never read erotica before I started blogging, nor Sci-Fi or Dystopian Fantasy but I have tried all of those now and more. I'm not fighting the change but do still stray towards my comfort zone of vampires, swords and magic.

Jazmin: Book blogging has not changed my reading habits, its only expanded them! With a blog, you're expected to keep regularly posting about books, obviously, and so it has only made me read twice as many books as I normally would. Also, when visiting blogs, you see these new titles that you've probably never heard of and so, it has made me into reading just about anything in the young-adult area. Well, I admit, I am biased for going towards the YA, than say, historical fiction. If I do read other genres, then I say "come at me!" changes. It's all about reading not just your particular favorite genre and "expanding your horizons", but I will always have a slight preference towards YA.

Jo: Yes, book blogging has changed my reading habits. I find that since I've been posting reviews, I pay a bit more attention when I'm reading, and I make a few notes, as well (I use a blank index card for those). I've been exposed to books and authors through book blogging that I wouldn't have heard of otherwise, so my reading has been expanded past what I used to read. I also have read more self-published books than I think I would have tried before I started my blog, and that has been pretty interesting.

Yes, I do try new genres now from time to time, although I have always read across genres. There are certain genres I don't tend to read as much, like military science fiction (a sub-genre), and romance. However, there have been times that another blogger makes a book sound so good, that I just have to try it. I'm always up for a good-sounding book, and a challenge! So, while my reading habits cover many genres, I have stretched myself now and again to try something new.
Amanda: And as promised I have a selection of cookies and tea for you all to try:

This is a selection of some of my favourite tea, in here you'll find teas like English breakfast and Irish Breakfast, there is also the standard Earl Grey and one of my new favourites Russian Caravan. (Just a side note: I reckon the Irish Breakfast blend would go nicely with a nip of whiskey...just sayin')

And here are some cookies!
I know there doesn't seem to be enough there (for me alone let alone you guys as well) but don't worry, darlings! I've got more:
Now lads the idea with Tim Tams if you've never had them before is that after you've finished stuffing your gob with them and you realise you need something to wash it all down with, you bite two opposite corners off one Tim Tam and suck your tea up through it like a straw :D I know that's an Australian idiosyncrasy but I'm sure people in other countries must do it too, right?

You’re invited! Visitors: Please share your thoughts on the topic in the comments section, so they can be included in the discussion. This is an active discussion though Wednesday, so feel free to stop by again later on.

* About Bookie Brunch

Bookie Brunch is a weekly meet-up, held every Sunday, where book bloggers can have a cup of tea and chat about a particular bookie question of interest. The discussion is open from Sunday through Wednesday, and you’re welcome to drop by any time to add your opinion or read what other people have to say. This discussion is open as well to general readers or bloggers in a different field, authors, publishers and publicists.

Courtesy guidelines: Thank you for coming! All thoughtful comments will be considered and probably get a response from fellow bloggers. In fact, you’re encouraged to talk about it and share viewpoints or include links to relevant materials. We’d like everyone to have a nice time. Differing viewpoints are just fine, even if strongly expressed, but inflammatory or off-topic comments will be removed.

* Find Bookie Brunch

Today’s host: StoryWings (@storywings)
Next week’s host: StoryWings (@storywings)

* Contact Bookie Brunch

Be a guest at an upcoming brunch: @StoryWings
Bring goodies for a giveaway: @StoryWings
Suggest a question: @LiederMadchen
Browse Bookie Brunch discussions Archive: The Fluidity of Time

What do you think? You’re invited to join the discussion below!

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Yeap, I'd say that blogging did change my reading habits in that I now take notes while I'm reading, so that I can more easily recall certain quotes or plot points for inclusion in a review or some such.

But even more so, reading has changed my blogging habits. ^_^ By that, I mean that as I ramped up my reading (for liesure, as opposed to for school--blech ^_^) and started to read more romance titles, I felt more of a desire to share my thoughts and find out what others' impressions were on similar books.
1 reply · active 694 weeks ago
I have definitely upped the amount of romance I read as well now too :)
It's funny because I actually read less now I've started blogging! I still read a lot but considering how much time I spend writing blog posts, visiting other blogs etc I have less time now to read than I did before.

I have discovered loads of new books and genres that I'd never have heard of without blogging though, I'm braver at stepping out of my comfort zones now and have loved discovering loads of new to me authors.
Mmmmmmm TIM TAMS!
Now I'm craving. There goes the diet :P
1 reply · active 694 weeks ago
lool nah, a packet of tim tams is good for you....promise ;)

two that's starting to get into diet ruining territory
Book blogging has more changed my buying habits than reading habits - though I definitely read a lot more fiction now than I used to.
I have always read a lot and across genres, but blogging changed my reading habits nevertheless. It's a great motivation for me to read more consistently as I want to publish my reviews at least once a week. It also makes me pay more attention to details - I used to read mostly focusing on the plot, now I'm consciously noticing more about characters, writing...Also, there are so many book I would have never discovered or read if it wasn't for blogging. I have become more aware of my reading preferences, it was a little shocking to realise how much I really gravitate towards historical fiction/romance, fantasy and paranormal, so I have intentionally started trying reading more different genres, such as YA , which I grew to love.
yes for me too, in that i've discovered new authors.

must find tim tams...

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