All the way back in January I won my second ever (and last ever) contest. It was the Shades of Midnight contest being held by Cherry Mischevious.
Of course I was excited, hyper, choreographing a massively awesome happy dance and the like, after three weeks the book still hadn't arrived. After a few more weeks I put it down to being lost in the mail, disappointing, but life goes on.
Whenever I would get a package in the mail that I knew I hadn't ordered sometimes I would get a flair of hope that it might be Shades of Midnight, it never was.
It was funny because I ordered Kiss of Midnight two weeks ago and didn't even make the connection that the two books were from the same series (hey! I have a lot on my mind at the moment). Regardless, I had another fleeting thought about Shades of Midnight and hoped that whoever had received it was enjoying it.
Yesterday though when I get home unaware of anything coming in the mail and too pre-occupied with my cousins visit, I overlooked the box sitting on my desk. It wasn't until I went up a second time that I noticed the box, to be honest I was hoping that my pre-ordered Spirit Bound had arrived, but I noticed how some of the address was crossed off.
Tearing into the mystery box, out comes the beautiful blue cover that houses Shades of Midnight. Turns out that a 1 was missing off the address, just a measly 1 and it had gone to someone else. But whoever that guy was, sent it back to the post office and they worked to find out who it really belonged to.
He could have done anything with it really, donated it to a library, sold it at a buy and sell book shop, given it as a gift to a friend, he could have done anything. But he didn't, he did an honourable thing by asking the Postie to find the true owner of the book.
What happened yesterday renewed a part of the faith I have in the human race.
So thank you Cherry for sending Shades of Midnight and thank you mystery man for doing a very honest thing and making me really really happy.
PS the reason why I told you guys this story was because I told my cousin what happened and she thought it was a bit sad that I was made so happy by a book. I thought you guys might appreciate it a little more.

Awww it's nice to hear something like that happen. I hate it when parcels go missing - our postie has a nasty habbit of leaving parcels on my doorstep & I worry that someone will walk past and steal them LOL.
I can't wait to hear what you think of the Midnight Breed series - I absolutely love those books :o) Shade is a really good one but I'd recommend reading the series in order if you can - there is a back story that goes throughout the series & you'd miss a lot by skipping books. I hope you enjoy them though!
Oh! Sorry I missed a 1!! Sounds like me though... screw things up all the time... sorry!!!
That's awesome that you finally got the book. Especially since it went to someone else first. Hope you enjoy reading it!
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