Whoda thunk it, aye? One whole year ago I decided to start reviewing books on a regular basis.
So let us go back to the beginning, where it all began.
As some of you may know StoryWings started out life as a writing blog which fell over within a couple of weeks of going up. And then on the 7th of December 2009 StoryWings was reborn as a book blog so as I go through my time line I will put in a little pre-book blog part:
Before the Book Blog:
- 6th November 2009: First Blog Award
- 7th November 2009: The Idea is planted (to review)
- 7th November 2009: First Book Review - Tempted by PC & Kristin Cast
- 7th November 2009: Changing my Layout for the first time
- 2nd December 2009: First Pics of my Bookshelf
And StoryWings begins:
- 7th December 2009: StoryWings is reborn as a book blog!
- 9th December 2009: First Droolworthy Covers post
- 3rd January 2010: First Book Trailer posted
- 11th January 2010: Started my own reading challenge - The Impossible Reading Challenge
- 14th January 2010: First Friday Finds post
- 15th January 2010: First Book Review (as a book blog) - Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
- 15th January 2010: First 5 star review - Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
- 18th January 2010: First time I confessed my love for Jeaniene Frost
- 18th January 2010: Joined my first reading challenge - A to Z reading challenge
- 18th January 2010: First My Two Cents post
- 19th January 2010: First Teaser Tuesday post
- 21st January 2010: First Counting the Days post
- 24th January 2010: First 2 Star review - Hush: An Irish Princess' Tale by Donna Jo Napoli
- 25th January 2010: First Blog Award (as a book blog)
- 26th January 2010: First Blog With Bite review - Wondrous Strange by Leslie Livingston
- 27th January 2010: StoryWings changes to the layout you see today - thanks to Parajunkee
- 30th January 2010: First 3 star review - Nightlight: A Parody by The Harvard Lampoon
- 31st January 2010: Successfully completed my first reading challenge
- 31st January 2010: First Weekly Happenings post
- 2nd February 2010: First Monthly Wrap-Up Post
- 2nd February 2010: First TBR Drawer Post
- 5th February 2010: First Man of the Month post
- 12th February 2010: First contest - 49 Followers Contest
- 12th February 2010: First 4 star review - Poison Study by Maria V Snyder
- 16th February 2010: 100th Post!
- 19th February 2010: First Joke posted
- 21st February 2010: StoryWings got a Facebook fan page
- 8th March 2010: First 1 Star review - The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
- 8th March 2010: Wrote my first Guest Post - Diane at The Book Resort
- 15th March 2010: First Discussion Questions post - First Drop of Crimson by Jeaniene Frost
- 19th March 2010: Joined the Online Book Bloggers Conference
- 22nd March 2010: Posted the winners for the 49 Followers Contest
- 22nd March 2010: First International Book Tours review - My Invented Life by Lauren Bjorkman
- 23rd March 2010: First Author Interview - Missy Jane
- 31st March 2010: First Author sponsored contest - Alone by Marrisa Farrar
- 6th April 2010: First What Came Out In... Post
- 2nd May 2010: First Question Of the Week Post
- 7th May 2010: I stated my teams
- 8th May 2010: Reviewed my first review book - Sweet Dreams, Miss England by Iris Blobel
- 11th May 2010: First Theme Week - Vampire Academy Week
- 23rd May 2010: Received my first physical prize ever!
- 29th May 2010: First Reader Habits style post
- 5th June 2010: First What Should I Read Next post
- 7th June 2010: First Guest Post on my blog - Renee by Notes In The Margin
- 8th June 2010: Some more info about me
- 11th June 2010: I asked for the scariest book you have ever read
- 20th June 2010: Officially joined The Book Lovers Inc as The Winged Lover
- 22nd June 2010: It's My Birthday!
- 25th June 2010: We found out what happens when I go two months without buying books
- 29th July 2010: Read and reviewed my first Graphic Novel - Twilight Vol 1
- 16th August 2010: An update on my bookshelf
- 30th August 2010: I went on a holiday!
- 18th October 2010: The Slump Attacked
- 26th October 2010: I joined my first tour! - Random Magic Halloween Tour 2010
- 5th December 2010: The Slump was defeated!
There will be some more Blogaversary type related post to come this week including a change of URL! Ill be getting my own domain!!

Congratulations on your blogaversary!
Congratulations on one year of blogging! ^_^
Is it just me, or does the first year of blogging go by really quick?
Yay! :-) Congratulations Amanda!! woohoo! What a busy and eventful year you had, here's to amny more interesting posts in the future! :-)
Congrats on your blogaversary!
Congratulations on your blogiversary!
Congratulations! *throw confetti*
Happy 1st Anniversary :)
Congrats on 1 year. What a milestone. That is also one hell of a timeline. Good job.
Congratulations on your year of blogging! (It's my 1 year blogoversary on 1st Jan & I'm still trying to figure out how to celebrate LOL). Hope you have many more happy years of blogging to come :o)
Congrats! Those are a lot of milestones, hehe.
Congrats and best wishes for another great year ahead!
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